What You Can Do
- Take note of your building's floor plan and exit routes.
- Participate in fire drills and safety training programs.
- Be prepared for Nebraska weather.
- Report all work-related injuries, illnesses, and hazardous material spills.
- Designate a meeting place outside of the building for your unit or department, or make note of an existing meeting place.
- Update the Emergency Action Plan for your building.
- Identify tornado shelter areas in basements or interior hallways or corridors.
- Keep a flashlight and battery-operated radio nearby.
- Locate the nearest fire extinguisher and fire alarm. Learn to use a fire extinguisher.
- Schedule an emergency preparedness course with UNL Police: Preparedness@unl.edu
- Know where to find university emergency information and basic first aid materials.
- Prepare yourself and your family at home so they know what to do if you are involved in an emergency, including where to go and how to cope until you're able to get home.
- Watch these Really Obvious Preparedness Facts... because when you know the facts, it's obvious.
How You Will Be Notified
A number of resources are available for distributing critical information and instructions to the UNL community during an emergency.
Your Emergency Information Sources
In the event of a major emergency affecting the campus, the administration will use one or more of the following means to communicate with the university community:
- Public Address and Alarms
- Alarm Bells, Tones, Amplified Voice - these systems, because of their immediacy and proximity, will be used in many potential emergency situations. (Note, these systems are not available in all buildings or all areas of campus.)
- UNL Alert Emergency Notification
- The UNL Alert system is a service that sends emergency messages to text, email, Alertus desktop popups, banners on unl.edu Websites, indoor Alertus Beacons and social medial. Sign up for the service today.
- Web Announcements
- UNL website - the UNL homepage may switch to a text-based version to guard against server overload.
- In an emergency, refer to www.unl.edu
- The UNL homepage as well as UNL Today and this emergency site will display the latest announcements.